This post is sponsored by Sparkletts, who provides our bottled water delivery free of charge. All opinions and feedback on our bottled water delivery are my own.
It’s now been a little over 4 months since we first started our Sparkletts cooler rental and water delivery. Today, we’re running down the five things you need to know before you schedule your first water delivery.

Our Sparkletts Water Delivery: An Honest Review
1 // You probably will use a lot more water than you expect.
We started by estimating how much water we each drink a day – a half gallon a person – and used that to set our delivery. What we didn’t realize is how many other uses that we didn’t factor in. The water in our coffee maker (which doesn’t have a filter), baby bottles, our daughter’s water bottle, popsicles – we ran through our first delivery in half the expected time. Thankfully, it’s easy to adjust your quantities from delivery to delivery.

2 // Think about a place to store the empty and used bottles.
We’re lucky and have plenty of space in our garage to store the full bottles we haven’t drank yet, and the empties until our next delivery. If you live in a small space or lack storage, you can either order in smaller bottle sizes or order fewer bottles more frequently.

3 // Figure out the right delivery day for you.
Admittedly, the first few deliveries caught us a little off guard – even though we received reminder texts and emails about our deliveries. We found ourselves rushing to put the bottles on the porch as the delivery truck arrived and at least once, came home to new bottles and realized only then that we forgot to set out the empties (don’t worry – they got them next week). We have since found that selecting the same day as trash day helps us stay on schedule because we’re already bringing something else out to the front porch those mornings.

4 // Determine if you need extra cases.
One of the driving factors behind setting up our water delivery service was to cut down on plastic waste from bottled waters. Still, we always want to be prepared. We order a case of .5L bottles a few times a year and keep spare bottles in the doors of our cars, the baby bag, and a few other places for those times when we forget our refillable bottles at home.
5 // They can deliver more than just water!
Love La Croix? Ya, we get all of ours with our bottled water delivery. The price matches the big box stores in our area and I don’t have to lug around the case with two kids to and from the car. You can also order Sparkling Ice, k-cup coffee, La Columbe coffee, and tea to arrive with your delivery.
Want to know more about what we love about our water delivery service and what took some getting use to? Check out our full review.