Easter weekend is one of my favorite weekends of the year. It’s so nice to have all of the family together for brunch, hiding eggs with the kids, enjoying the warmer weather, and celebrating a season of renewal. This is the first year where E will really comprehend Easter so I’m also really excited to pull together her first Easter basket – and fill it with items that aren’t candy.
If you’re anything like is, we’ll be relying a lot on Amazon Prime and Target Drive-up Pick-up to fill our baskets. Evie will be three in less than a month, so that’s the age group this list will be focused on.

One of my favorite Easter basket ideas is to fill it with books because we get so much use out of them! We read holiday books year-round in our house (HOP from last year was still on the evening reading list at Christmas!). Still, we try to stick with one or two holiday-specific books and one or two broader books.
Berenstain Bears were a favorite of mine as a kid and E loves them too, so we’ve picked up Easter Sunday and the Real Easter Eggs this year (lots of other BB options here too).
It’s Not Easy Being a Bunny is a funny story about a bunny looking for a place to belong. It’s a Dr. Seuss Beginner Book which will be great as E learns to read herself!
Click Clack Books like Duck for President are also funny stories that Evie loves right now. We might pick up Click Clack Moo Cows That Type to add in this year, too.
Outdoor toys
With the start of spring, one of our Easter basket ideas for our toddler is to add a few little outdoor toys she can enjoy as the weather warms up.
I’ve been wanting to pick up a bubble machine for E forever. This one is only $10 and in stock for pickup at my nearby store (Tip: Order online for drive up pickup even if you have to run in for something else to make sure they don’t run out of stock before you get there). One of these bubble guns would also be a fun choice.
Egg and chick sidewalk chalk is always a hit, and the shapes are easier for tiny hands to grasp. Plus, you can’t beat the price!
Water squirters are easy basket filler. We get a lot of use out of these in the bath, water table, and pool.
Adding a few craft supplies to the basket ensures you’ll have plenty of ways to entertain a toddler indoors too.
Metallic crayons or this Amazon mega-pack would be so fun with an Easter coloring book.
This Princess necklace kit just arrived and I’m beyond excited for E to see it. All she can talk about are Disney princesses, and these are easy enough to make that she’ll be able to do it mostly by herself.
Stickers are always a good idea – especially when they’re princess stickers. This book has so many options!
Of course no holiday goes by without a few practical items. We always grab a set of pajamas to add to the basket (is it just me or are they constantly outgrowing clothes at this age?!?). I love these Carter’s packs that come with mix-and-match options.
I could also imagine adding some play clothes or a cute dress into the basket too.
And of course, no Easter basket is complete without a cuddly plush.
Happy Easter, y’all!