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Emergency Stash

When I travel places I’m pretty familiar with, I tend not to bring along my Isobag or Six Pack Bag with prepped meals.  Both bags are pretty bulky, and sometimes, I just don’t have the bag space {checking bags is highly frowned upon for this girl}.

Case in point: My last trip to Boston.  The plan was to put in some quality time with the team in the office and complete a last deep clean on the old apartment before it is transferred to its new occupants this weekend.  The office cafeteria has a fabulous short order grill where I know I can get an egg white omelette at breakfast and a healthy meal at lunch from the office cafeteria, and I had dinner plans both nights I was in town.  Suitcase space was at a premium because I had to schlep along an air mattress to sleep on in my super empty apartment.
{Sidebar: Sleeping on an air mattress in your empty old apartment is strange.}

Despite the space constraints, I never leave home without an “emergency stash” of macro-friendly necessities.  If I’m short protein or end up with a delayed flight I always like to have some Tuna packets and Ritz whole wheat cracker stacks handy {Flashback to the return trip when I ate one of these on the plane with my fingers. Pro tip: Also pack plastic forks}. I keep Barney Butter for extra fats if I’m short there. Carbs are easy – not pictured are single-serve baggies of Lucky Charms.

Also in my “kit”:

What’s in your emergency food stash?

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