We’re all about the headbands in this house. Little E still doesn’t have a lot of hair, and since we’ve purchased a lot of neutral clothes in hopes of getting more life out of them if we have a boy in the future, we supplement outfits with headbands. They up the cuteness factor and minimize the chances that people mistake E for a little boy.
We found the BEST affordable solutions for baby bows (linked at the bottom of this post) which made it so easy to justify buying a bunch. Our little basket of headbands expanded to a bigger basket, then a drawer…
It quickly got out of hand.
We desperately needed a storage solution that gave us easy access to the headbands and got them out of the cluttered drawer. I found this inspiration image on Pinterest and ran out to Home Depot to get started.
The back of E’s closet door was a better option for us, since her nightlight, Owlet base station, and diaper basket fill the space under the shelves.

Our original plan was to attach the rows to the door using eye hooks, but when we found these mini Command hooks, we knew they would work better. The sticky holds tight but can still be removed without damaging the paint or leaving big holes.

We then used a thin ribbon between the hooks for the headbands. The ribbon for each row has a loop at the end so we can pull it on and off the clip. We slid on the headbands and voila, storage problem solved!


TOP ROW // Dainty Knot Headband (19 for $20)
SECOND ROW // Large Ribbon Bows (20 for $12)
THIRD ROW // Stretch Nylon Bows (15 for $20)
FOURTH ROW // Floral Bow Headbands (6 for $10)
BOTTOM ROW // Assorted Target and Carter’s Finds; other assorted headbands that came with outfits from TJMaxx and Marshall’s