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Healthy Travel Snacks

As someone who feels like they live in airports, I understand the desire to have something to munch on while you wait on that seemingly endless layover.  It’s easy to pick up a Diet Coke and bag of peanut M&Ms – but those snacks can put a serious dent in your wallet (#airportpricegouging) and leave you feeling worse than before.
To combat this, and because every airport doesn’t have a GNC (you win, Pittsburgh International and Miami International), I always pack plenty of healthy snacks to satiate those mid-flight and airport waiting cravings.

When thinking about what to pack, I always think through what time of day I’m traveling and where my plans may go awry (flashback to that time Dunkin Donuts wasn’t open before my 5am train to NYC so I had tuna salad for breakfast…).

Waffles in Flight

For breakfast, I typically want something that’s packed with protein and makes me feel like I’ve eaten a big meal – all about that volume! Waffles made with MuscleEgg (extra protein + extra fluffy) are my favorite, with a side of sugar free pancake syrup that I pack in TSA-approved containers.  I may also bring hard boiled egg whites (yolk removed), protein-packed muffins, and oatmeal packets + protein powder to mix in (most airport restaurants will supply you with hot water).  I also always have a small bottle of sugar free flavored coffee syrup to mix into whatever tea or coffee I pick up.

Snacks around meal times can be a bit more challenging, and often where I slip up (because that pizza just smells SO good!).  Tuna packets are a must for quick bites between flights and because they’re flat, take up almost no room in your bag.  Pre-packed sandwiches or roll-ups are also a great option.  I often will steer clear of the sandwiches and wraps you can buy at the airport in favor of bringing by own because (a) who wants to pay $10 for a turkey sandwich and (b) they’re often chocked full of mayo and full fat cheese.  I’d rather save those fats for some peanut butter when I get home, thanks!

I also never leave home without a water bottle and some flavoring drops, like Dasani Drops or Crystal Light.  I can always steer clear of sodas if I have something sweet to keep me hydrated.

Other quick snacks I always have on me include Quest bars, Emerald 100 Calorie Almond Packs, sliced veggies, and Goldfish cracker snack-sized bags.

Needless to say, I always overpack when it comes to food.  But worst case, I just bring it back home for the next trip.  What are your traveling snack must haves?


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