Happy New Year, y’all! 2018 was a whirlwind, from the arrival of our little Evie to celebrating our first anniversary to a new role at work – it’s the best adventure! But, it’s also shown me just how busy life can be. We’re always diving into the next project, taking on the extra work, and packing our calendars. It’s been overwhelming at times.
I’ve never been much of one for creating New Year’s resolutions. There’s something about “resolutions” that feel so futile. That is the old joke after all, right – that New Year’s resolutions are made to be broken (and often by February).
Instead, I make plans. Plans all focused on a single goal. Feasible, yet ambitious. And this year, I’m turning those plans on their heads and choosing to focus on less in 2019.

So what does less mean for me?
- Saying “no” to opportunities and ventures that are profitable, but aren’t what I’m passionate about.
- Cutting back on our more elaborate meal preps in favor of simple, healthy meals that can be executed quick.
- Decluttering our house, purging things we don’t love or use regularly.
- Stepping back from groups and associations that while fun, cut into valuable family time.
- Leaving open Saturdays on our calendar where we sit at home and play – no errands, no plans, just togetherness.
- Spending less time on my computer and phone, in favor of being present. It may even mean leaving my phone at home – baby steps, though!

That less will hopefully yield more. More focus on the things I’m really passionate about. More time to be present for Evie and Cody. More thought and attention to detail put into the projects we do pursue. And more sleep. Lots more sleep.
So here’s to doing less in 2019! 2018 will be a hard year to top!